According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. 48,183 Americans died by suicide in 2021, an average of 132 suicides per day.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is working hard to reduce these numbers. Their New Hampshire chapter brings together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities.
Patients, you can help support this worthy cause by purchasing Full Spectrum Vapes in September. GraniteLeaf will donate $1 to AFSP for each Full Spectrum Vape sold this month!
Visit our menu if you’d like to check out our selection of Full Spectrum Vapes and place an order.
Walk to Prevent Suicide!
We are looking forward to joining AFSP for two of their “Out of the Darkness Community Walks” in September, and we would love to have you join us. Here are the details:
The Concord Walk will take place Sunday, September 17 at Rollins Park in Concord.
The Greater Nashua Walk will take place Saturday, September 23 at the Greeley Park Bandshell.
Check-in for both walks will begin at 9am, and the walks will begin at 10am.
We will be tabling at both events, so please feel free to stop by our booth and say hello!