Yesterday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed four therapeutic cannabis bills. These bills will now advance to the Senate, where they are expected to receive public hearings sometime in April:
- HB 1278 (Thomas) would allow therapeutic cannabis certifications for any medical condition or symptom if the provider believes the potential benefits outweigh the risks for the patient.
- HB 1349 (Howard) would add generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for therapeutic cannabis.
- HB 1350 (Howard) would increase the possession and 10-day purchase limit for patients and caregivers from 2 ounces to 4 ounces.
- HB 1581 (Vail) would allow ATCs to operate a second cultivation location, which could be a greenhouse. (Currently, New Hampshire ATCs may only grow indoors, which contributes to higher costs for therapeutic cannabis.)
The home cultivation bill, HB 1231, is scheduled for a vote in the full House next Thursday, March 14.
One other therapeutic cannabis bill was “tabled” yesterday, which means it is technically still alive but very unlikely to advance:
- HB 1240 (Howard) – adding eating disorders as qualifying conditions for therapeutic cannabis.
Thanks to all who contacted legislators and expressed support for these bills!
Legalization Bill Heads to House Finance Committee
In other news, the House Finance Committee (Division I) has scheduled a work session for the adult-use legalization bill (HB 1633) on Wednesday, March 13 at 3pm. This will not be a public hearing, but members of the public are welcome to submit comments or share their thoughts with committee members. This committee is expected to focus on aspects of the bill that are related to the bill’s financial impacts.
If you’d like to read more about HB 1633, check out this detailed summary published by the Marijuana Policy Project. You can also read the full text, as amended by the House, here.