House Sends Cannabis Legalization Bill to Senate

GraniteLeaf Legislative "Halftime" Report

Today, the New Hampshire House passed HB 1633 in a 239-136 vote, advancing it to the state Senate.

As amended, the bill would legalize cannabis and establish a tightly regulated network of 15 cannabis retail outlets. Although we have mixed feelings about certain aspects of the bill, we are grateful to the House for including some provisions we consider necessary:

  • HB 1633 would exempt sales to patients from the 10% “agency fee.”
  • To help ensure that patients won’t be left behind in the transition to adult-use legalization, HB 1633 would create a path for the TCP to become integrated with the adult-use program.
  • HB 1633 would not guarantee ATCs a retail license, but it would establish that experience operating in New Hampshire will be considered a “major criteria” in the licensing process.

Next, a Senate committee will schedule a public hearing sometime in the next several weeks.

Cannabis Bills “Halftime” Report

This is “crossover” week in the New Hampshire Legislature, which is basically the legislative equivalent of “halftime.” Not only is it the midpoint of the legislative session, but it’s a firm deadline: the House must complete all work on House bills, and the Senate must complete all work on Senate bills. After all bills have received votes, the ones that have passed “cross over” to be considered in the other chamber.

The Senate has not yet announced the dates and times for public hearings on most of these bills. However, this is a good time for a status report on cannabis bills that have passed the House in addition to HB 1633:

  • HB 82 (Vail) would establish employment protections for registered patients, prohibiting employers from firing a patient solely on the basis of a positive drug test. Pending in Senate Commerce Committee, hearing has already taken place.
  • HB 1231 (Thomas) would permit qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
  • HB 1278 (Thomas) would allow therapeutic cannabis certifications for any medical condition or symptom if the provider believes the potential benefits outweigh the risks for the patient. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
  • HB 1349 (Howard) would add generalized anxiety disorder as a qualifying condition for therapeutic cannabis. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
  • HB 1350 (Howard) would increase the possession and 10-day purchase limit for patients and caregivers from 2 ounces to 4 ounces. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • HB 1539 (Wheeler) would allow for automatic annulment of past convictions for cannabis possession. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • HB 1581 (Vail) would allow ATCs to operate a second cultivation location, which could be a greenhouse. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Three Bad Bills No Longer Threaten Patients

Finally, we are pleased to report that these three Senate bills are no longer a threat to patients:

  • SB 418 (Gannon) would have established an arbitrary, unscientific limit of 2 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood for DWI prosecutions. Amended to remove these troubling provisions.
  • SB 419 (Gannon) would have established an arbitrary, unscientific limit of 16% THC for all therapeutic cannabis. Amended to remove these troubling provisions.
  • SB 426 (Gannon) would establish a misdemeanor penalty for possessing cannabis in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle. Amended to exempt therapeutic cannabis patients. Public hearing scheduled for April 17 at 11am in the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Thanks to all who have contacted elected officials! Many legislators have shown that they are listening to our concerns. We will continue to share updates as they become available.


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One Response

  1. Thank you for this update! Very much appreciated. Fingers crossed for this one. I know, I keep saying that…

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